I love the spring. The temperature is right to work in the yard. The clean smell of cut grass. The blooming of color. The soothing taste of claritin tabs.
As usual there is much change a'brewin' in our lives right now. My wife and I are about to make yet another adjustment. Nothing to report yet, but the water's hot and the coffee is in the filter if you know what I'm saying.
Jack's growing quickly and a bundle of joy. His giggle is unimaginably intoxicating. Life melts away and I become incapsulated in the moment. I'm not sure how many videos I've taken of him babbling, laughing, and passing gas... sometimes all at once. Fatherhood is funtabulous and watching my wife walk through Motherhood is like watching a documentary while eating cheetohs and then it's even a little better than that! (And if you know me that's a super good thing...as in actually saying "SUPER!!!" while pumping my fist in a swing motion from low to high and sideways across my chest while my teeth glisten and a bird chirps and puppies play with each other's tails in the background with the wide angle shot zooming in close on my face to capture the smile and ending with a twinkle in my eye.)
I wish I had more to report but my life is mostly consumed with my wife and child. I'm sure I'll think of something between now and my next post 2 months from now.
Otherwise, hope all of you who are reading this are blessed with something to smile about.