so i had just moved jack from his pack 'n play to his crib. we had his pack 'n play in the closet to shelter from the possibilty of a tornado. as a side note, since when did missouri become tornado ally? anyway, i sat back down to watch the telly and i thought to myself, "this isn't doin' it for me." so i purposed to head up to the computer and write me a blog post. now here i am.
My last blog post was too many months ago, maybe even a year(Stop) So much has happened that I can't even begin to lay the cobblestone(Stop) Also, I'm sure there isn't a single person that may stumble upon this(Stop) I'm sure with such a gap in posts my readership has dwindled to negative 2(Stop) I can say that I only took the 5 minutes right now because I just read my wife's blog and thought I should put something on mine(Stop)
I had to remove my prior post. It proved to be a bit too controversial. I appreciate all the concern I received, but I would have to say that my choice of adjectives ended up putting more emphasis on the situation than there should have been. My main point was just to describe why I hadn't blogged in a few days and dropped the ball on the goal reports. Again, thanks for the conern, but you can relax, things are alright.
Well here's my update for yesterday. I thought I could get away with taking a break for one night, but oh no, my reader's demand it. I mean Adam Harshman demands it. And to him specifically I would like to make it know that I am in control of When, Where and How I will use italics and bold. Yeah, that's right, I said it. I will not be bullied into compliance with some unofficial...
3/3. This is gettin' fun. Walked 2 miles, woke up at 8am, and drank 64 oz. of water again. Feelin' good.
2 for 2. I woke up at 8 am and again struggled to gain active participation in the world for nearly an hour! However, I feel confident that it will get easier. Also, I drank 64 ounces of water today! I felt more energized all day until this evening. Which is completely the opposite of my normal energy cycle. Could a change be a'brewin?
I did it. I've climbed to the top of Everest and seen the wonders from 30,000 ft. I am now 1 for 1. Batting 1.000. It's so exciting...I woke up at 8am. What a struggle! My eyes wanted to close, my body ached to return to the warmth of the covers, my mind blurred and bent and for 30 minutes I could not focus on a train of thought. So that was goal one on day one. Yay! Or yahoozle! (As one of my good friends might say.)
Hip. Hip. HOORAY! Hip. Hip. HOORAY!
I spent this last Saturday helping our church get a church camp cleaned up. It was all part of our church's effort to lead people to acts of worship. I was part of a group of kickin' rad guys that were going to do "random acts of kindness." However, rain rained on our plans to rake leaves for random people. So, we ended up joining another group that went out to the church camp to clean up. We cleaned gutters and an old barn. It was a ton of fun and makes me so excited to be among such a community of servers (if you're an IT guy or gal, please don't think I'm using a technology term). Anyway, among all that fun I had only one not so nice thought...
It has been a few days since my last post. Here's a not-so-quick recap of what has happened since.
Exercise report: 2 miles / 100 crunches / 100 curls / 75 push-ups
Exercise Report: 4 miles / 100 crunches / 100 curls / 50 push-ups.
Memory is something special. Could you imagine life without memory?
Tonight I want to start with my thank you. I want to thank my parents-in-law (I would rather say "my other parents," but that may just confuse you) for being such a beautiful example of a loving, respectful, Christian marriage. Every time I have seen them, which has unfortunately not been often enough since our first meeting on October 28th 2004, I have been thoroughly amazed at the love and tenderness my father-in-law shows to his wife. He holds her hand and kisses her and gently rubs her shoulders and always opens her door and has good conversation with her and so much more. It is something you don't see in many relationships that are approaching their 30th wedding anniversary, let alone most new relationships. It's a chivalry that seems to have been lost in today's world. My mother-in-law is equally supportive of her husband. She is quick to compliment him on something he has done and equally affectionate. They still have a passion for one another. It is beautiful to watch.
Where to begin?
Life is short.
I intend to make this a short blog. I'm still recovering from my run this morning and think I might go to bed early for once.
Where is my car key?
I'm trying to think of why I'm doing this. It might because of Paige's blog saying "we want you," and my mind wandering to those old ads for the military. You remember, don't you? Uncle Sam back in the 30's and 40's with that long skinny finger. So, hey, I can't let my country down! And what is really weird, and I'm not kidding on this one, I really did have an Uncle Sam with a skinny finger. Actually all of his fingers were skinny if I recall correctly. To be totally honest he was a great-uncle. I think. I can never remember the terminology for family lineage. He was my grandpa's brother. Uncle Sam.